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P.E. (Physical Education)

  • Kids Soccer
  • Kids playing
  • Kids soccer
  • Kid Basketball
  • Kids Running
  • Kids- Basketball

Welcome to Viking P.E. Class!

Get ready for an action-packed school year, filled with excitement and physical activity!
We are Coach Jaime and Coach Monica, your Elementary Physical Education Coaches,
and we're thrilled to welcome your children to a year of fun and fitness.

About Us: We're passionate about creating an environment where every child can discover the joy of an active lifestyle. Our mission is to instill a love for physical activity, teach valuable life skills, and foster teamwork and sportsmanship. πŸƒ‍β™‚οΈπŸ€ 

Kelsos Problem Solving Choices

What to Expect on P.E. Days: Here's what you need to know for our P.E. sessions:

  1. Clothing: Comfort is key! Ensure your child wears appropriate athletic wear on P.E. days. This includes sneakers, comfortable shorts or pants, and a breathable top. πŸ‘ŸπŸ‘• Dresses or skirts must have shorts on underneath.

  2. Shoes: Proper footwear is crucial for safety. Encourage your child to wear athletic shoes with good support to prevent injuries during physical activities. Sandals or shoes with a heel should not be worn for safety concerns. 

  3. Water: Hydration is essential! Send your child to school with a water bottle (labeled with their name on it in Sharpie marker) to keep them refreshed and energized throughout our active sessions. πŸ’§ 

  4. Sportsmanship: We emphasize the importance of good sportsmanship. Encourage your child to support their peers, work collaboratively, and embrace a positive attitude during all activities. 🀝🌟 We will use Kelso’s Choice Wheel (see photo) for problem solving and conflict management, and we invite you to partner with us to use the same language and choices at home. 

Our Curriculum: Throughout the year, your children will experience a diverse range of activities, from traditional sports like soccer and basketball to creative and cooperative games that enhance problem-solving skills. 🀸‍β™€οΈβš½

Stay Connected: Communication is vital. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. We value your involvement and believe that working together with parents and guardians contributes to the success of our students. πŸ“§πŸ€—

Let's make this school year one to remember, filled with growth, laughter, and a whole lot of movement!

Cheers to an active and fantastic year ahead! 🌟

Coach Jaime, Physical Education Teacher
Coach Monica, Physical Education Teachers Assistant